Monday, July 26, 2010

Getting Rich the Easy Way!


I was uninterested in money for years and years and years. I dunno, it just never interested me. Now it sort of does and I am trying to figure out, what is the best way to make the most amount of money? It's a hard question. So many people have so many different answers - and some of them are just trying to screw you out of your money!

So, after thinking long and hard, doing my research, and chatting with the people I know, I have at long last come up with a kind of strategy for investing.

In Canada, any dividend payments you may receive from any stocks you own, will be taxed very lightly - about half of what other types of income are taxed! Not bad!

I like dividends. They are cold, hard cash paid out to you at regular times. How could that be a bad thing?

Basically my plan is to fill up a portfolio with big, tried, tested, and true dividend paying stocks, like the Canadian banks, for example, and just go from there.

Wish me luck!

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